Monthly Message from Our Loving Mother to All of Her Children

December 13, 2014

                “Your Loving Mother has been here today since dawn and She is listening to the requests each of you have.  The Virgin knows that each of you is waiting for your Mother’s Message, but for the sake of this holy Marian apparition site, the priests are offering Mass here today.  You know that your Loving Mother, the Virgin Mary will not interrupt them.  The Church does not accept many Marian apparitions and that is why you must thank God that these priests come to this place to offer the Holy Eucharist.

                “Through Jesus, your Loving Mother, the Virgin Mary, tells you that many events will happen in the world, and that you must be aware of everything that will happen because of your actions.  Man does not realize that your Celestial Father sends your Loving Mother around the whole world.  At the Marian apparitions, your Mother brings the sheep that are scattered everywhere back into the fold, into the Church.

                “Your Loving Mother appears in many parts of the world to gather the flock that is scattered, because the Church itself has dispersed them by not accepting the Marian apparitions.  You know that your Loving Mother is universal.  There is only one Virgin Mary Who appears under different images in each place where She appears.  Your Loving Mother accompanies all who truly honor Her and She speaks to you internally and hears your requests wherever you are.  You can pray at all times; even when driving a car, as you call it, you can pray mentally.

                “Whenever you see beggar begging or sitting under a bridge, Jesus is there in each of them, and Jesus knows the hearts of every one of you according to your deeds.  If you show mercy toward the needy of the world, you shall receive many blessings.  Every time you give an offering of food to the needy persons you see in the streets as you drive by, you are giving it to Jesus.  The Well Beloved Jesus is in every beggar.  The Divine Child Jesus is in every child.  You must realize that if you pass by them with indifference, you are being indifferent to the Well Beloved Jesus.

                “The Well Beloved Jesus tests you through every beggar to see if your heart is open to love, to charity.  Jesus will see how your heart reacts.  You must not think about what the beggar will use the money you give them for.  Because it is charity, you must give it with love, for love of the Well Beloved Jesus.

                “Your Loving Mother asks you to have pity on the disabled and to help those who have nothing.  Visit the sick in hospitals; pray for each of them.  Even if you think you may not have the gift of anointing the sick, the Beloved Jesus sees the charity in your hearts and performs the miracle.  No one is an expert in anything; the little creature [Rosa] is not the only one who can anoint.  All you need is to have love in your heart and the desire to let the Well Beloved Jesus and your Loving Mother perform the miracle.  The world will change when charity takes over the hearts of human beings and no one discriminates against anyone else, white or black, mute or incapacitated, because Jesus and Mary is in every person.

                “You should pray to your Loving Mother before you go to sleep and when you wake up.  Give thanks for a new day, for your family, for your children.  You should not ask for much, but you should give thanks to God for all that you have, because there are many who have nothing.  Some people are not even to be able to talk, so you should be thankful for everything that you have.

                “Your Loving your Mother comes looking for the lost sheep, for those who are lacking in faith.  She is looking for the love that many do not feel for Jesus or your Loving Mother, the Virgin Mary.  Even if you do not believe it, Jesus and Mary are in the hearts of every human being, touching you to see how you will react. 

                “The little creature is very happy because the priests have come to this place.  Although the Church rejects many apparition sites, the little creature still loves the Church because she is part of it.  You must be happy because the priests came today to offer the Eucharist to all the flock at this small place where your Mother chose to appear.

                “This place is a place of prayer and petitions to Jesus and your Loving Mother.  No matter what kind of suffering you may have, put it all into the Hands of your Loving Mother so She can intercede for you.  Open your hearts and pray with true faith.  The Beloved Jesus tells you, ‘He who has faith, will receive.’  Jesus and Mary hear everyone who invokes Them with faith.  All of you are the children the Beloved Jesus gave to your Loving Mother when He said, ‘Mother, behold Your son.  John, behold your Mother.’

                “The family of the little creature does not share these times of blessing with her.  They do not understand that this place belongs to the Virgin Mary and the Well Beloved Jesus.  The little creature is happy about all the people who come every month to this little place. 

                “Your Loving Mother tells you that She will always be here, and She says, ‘When the little one departs, your Loving Mother will remain in your hearts.’  Your Loving Mother will always listen to everyone who comes to this place and prays to Her with their heart.

                “I love you and I bless you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.”


December 9, 2014

                Rosa made the Sign of the Cross and then opened the Holy Bible, where God revealed this message in the First Letter of St. Peter, Chapter 1, Verses 13-25:  God exhorts us to a Holy life.  So, be prepared and use your best judgment.  Put all your hope in what God, in his goodness, will give or bring to you when Jesus Christ appears again.  As obedient children, do not live according to the desires you had prior to knowing God.  On the contrary, live in a completely Holy way, because God, who called you, is Holy; for the Scripture says: ‘So be holy, for I am Holy.’  If you call God ‘Father,’ who judges each one according to his deeds and without making any distinction between each one, you should show him reverence while living in this world.  Because God has saved you from a life without meaning or worth to God that you inherited from your ancestors; and you know very well that the cost of this salvation was not paid with corruptible things, like silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, which was offered in sacrifice as a lamb without blemish or defect.  Christ had been destined for this since before the world was created, but in these last times he has appeared for your benefit or sake.  Through Christ, you believe in God, which resurrected and glorified him; so, you have put your faith and your hope in God.  Now you, by obeying the message of truth, have purified your souls so that you have sincere love for your brothers; so love one another with a pure heart and with all your strength.  For you have been born again; and this time not from human and mortal parents (perishable seed), but from the word of God, which lives and remains forever.  For the Scripture says, ‘every man is like grass, and his greatness is as the flower of grass.  The grass withers and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord endureth for ever.’  And this word is the message of salvation that has been announced to you.”

                Then, Rosa read from Chapter 2, Verses 1-3:  “Therefore, renounce all kinds of evil, all deceit, hypocrisy and envy, and all sorts of gossip or slander.  Like newborn babies, crave for the pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation that is if you have really come to realize and taste that the Lord is good.”