Monthly Message from Our Loving Mother to All of Her Children

September 13, 2015


                “My little creatures, I waited for the Mystery of the Coming of the Holy Spirit in the Rosary to talk to each of you.  Your Loving Mother is happy because of the surprise was given to the little creature today. (The priests gave a framed certificate to Rosa with the Apostolic Blessing of Pope Francis.)

                Your Loving Mother knew this would happen, but did not say anything to the little creature.  Now, I want you to know that the gift that has been given to the little creature was obtained by the priests, and is signed by the Pope.  It is for all the years that the little creature has sacrificed in this place.

                “The priests say Mass in this place of apparition every month.  It is a beautiful Mass that all of you in this place are deserving of.  The little one always prays for everyone, and she will continue to pray for all ‘her sick and her poor,’ as she calls them.  What is most important for My little one is the poor.  She says, ‘Wherever the poor are, is where the Beloved Jesus is.’

                “The priests will always be here to accompanying the little creature.  This place is holy and sacred for all who come with faith to receive the blessings and miracles of the Well Beloved Jesus through your Loving Mother.

                “I want you to know that great events await humanity and the world.  You have to be prepared for these events that will come because of all the misery and evil in the world.  You should prepare yourselves, but do it calmly, gathering everything that you may be need in a time of crisis.  

                “I am happy for My little one, because even though she has shed tears, today they are tears of joy.  The priests that are here with her love her a lot and this document of the Apostolic Blessing of Pope Francis is something very nice for her and also for everyone who comes to this place.

                “The little one will continue in this little place and she will continue to help the poor, the children, and the elderly, because those are the ones she loves the most.  God will continue to accompany the little creature in this wonderful work and now, she will also be accompanied by the priests.  The little one loves the priests who walk with her a lot, and you should pray for them a lot.  This place is small, but it is big in miracles and love for the Well Beloved Jesus and your Loving Mother, the Virgin Mary.

                “The little one will lay her hands on the heads of those who need a blessing, and she will pray for each one of you.  The priests can accompany her and also lay their hands and give their blessings to everyone.

                “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.”