Monthly Message from Our Loving Mother to All of Her Children

June 13, 2006


            “My little creatures, your Loving Mother feels so much delight when you pray these Mysteries of the Rosary with so much pleasure, where your Mother glorifies the Well Beloved.

            “The servant of the Lord thinks that she can direct the Messages of the Virgin when she says that she will receive these Messages by locution.  I have played a trick of love on her so she will receive them without noticing that We are truly here.  She [Rosa] thinks, ‘She will speak to me, I will hear, I will understand what is said,’ but she [Rosa] doesn’t know that the Celestial Father is the One Who directs her soul, her mind and her vocal cords so that she doesn't know what's happening and so it is only your Mother Who speaks to you today and gives you the Message that I want you to hear today.

            “Your mother tells you through the Well Beloved that in Baptism, He gives you the Divine Spirit of God so you will be full of that Spirit, which guards against any danger that threatens you when you walk in the Light.

            “Today, God says that you must walk in the Light during these critical days for humanity, you must disguise yourselves with the Armor of the Holy Spirit so you can protect yourselves from all the traps of the enemy, who is also loose in humanity, trying to take the souls of the creatures that God has chosen to walk at all the apparitions of Mary.  Your Mother visits you frequently in all parts of the world to bring you His love, that agape of love that He gave you as a gift on the Cross.

            “He gave it as an agape, as a gift, to each of you in your hearts, like when the Holy Spirit flowed over the apostles.  He also gave them the power of imposing their hands so that men will receive the blessings and healings that I bring to you.

            “They [the priests] hide their hands in the pockets of their cassocks instead of imposing them on the sick in the hospitals or in the houses.  Wherever there is an apparition there must be a priest, a pastor to guide the flock and to impose his hands, but because they are not there, I have to choose little creatures who don’t know anything so they can do what the priests are supposed to do.

            “Today, the Church, My children, is doing the same things that it did years ago: they are persecuting the true priests that I left to guide the flock, because they are Oblates of your Loving Mother.   They persecute those who give the Messages of love, who impose their hands, who have the stigmata, the real stigmata that burst out of the body, and the invisible stigmata that are from your Loving Mother, those that are not seen, but which hurt the same as those that are outside of the body.  They hide those priests; they persecute them and mistreat them so they will not follow the true Path that Jesus left.

            “Your Mother will continue to tell you in time and out of time that you must pray the Rosary and meditate on it.  Meditate on each Mystery and live each moment of that Mystery so the Holy Spirit, as It is doing at this moment, will flow over each one of your homes and your families. 

“Remember that while you walk in the Light, your Mother will continue with you in the world.  But when man approaches the darkness, the great moment will come when Jesus will have to return to put all of His house in order – all of His sanctuaries and all of the churches that He left so you could take refuge in them, but instead they keep them closed all the time and only open them when they’re going to give the Gospels, which they have changed.

            “Today I come very happy, although My Heart burns with sadness to see so many abused children who are exploited, violated, murdered and taken as hostages in all places to satisfy the bestial appetites of men who walk in the darkness, in drugs and in the vice of alcohol. 

            “Your Mother doesn’t suffer in Heaven; She suffers when She comes to earth and sees in the hearts of Her children how many of them come [to the apparition], some out of rebelliousness and others to investigate whether it is true or false.  For those who come under these conditions, I tell you that you will receive what you came looking for.

            “But I am happy.  My Heart is bursting with happiness because the little creature had to leave like the apostles, to preach in another area, in another place where the Divine Spirit is truly felt.  The glory of your Celestial Father was manifested in each of My little creatures whom she visited there.  [ Rosa recently returned from visiting Ecuador .]

            “My Heart is happy, even though it’s full of pain, because I planted love in the hearts of the people of the country that I visited and I returned with their hearts full of love towards the Virgin Mary, with love towards the Beloved, with love towards the Church and towards the true priests who truly fulfill the mystery of love in each Mass, in each Sacred Eucharist, but who also hurt My Heart, because there is a place where they also profane the Sacred Body of the Well Beloved.  But when they sin out of ignorance, they don’t sin; when they know the truth and still sin, they sin seventy times more.

            [It began to rain.]  “Remember, don’t be afraid, sit quietly, be calm.  When I finish giving you the Message, I will impose My Hands upon those who are very sick, and it will not be a blessing but an imposition, so they can awaken to the love of Jesus.

            “Remember that great events are coming close to humanity.  There will be many disasters; many lives will be taken away and lost.  But the ones who are saved will be saved for the glory and honor of the Well Beloved.  Don’t be afraid and pray for the victims of the entire world, for the hungry, for the miserable ones, for the orphans of war, for the kidnapped, both women and children, for peace, not only for peace in the world, but for peace in the homes of each human being and in each family. 

            [At this moment, a strong rain began to fall.]  “The Holy Spirit will flow over each one of you.  We will finish now.  Enter the house, where I will impose My Hands upon the sick.

            “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.”