Monthly Message from Our Loving Mother to All of Her Children

July 13, 2004


            “Open the Holy Scriptures and go to Ephesians, Chapter 6, Verses 10-19:  ‘Finally, draw your strength from the Lord and from his mighty power.  Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil.  For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens.  Therefore, put on the armor of God, that you may be able to resist on the evil day and, having done everything, to hold your ground.  So stand fast with your loins girded in truth, clothed with righteousness as a breastplate, and your feet shod in readiness for the gospel of peace.  In all circumstances, hold faith as a shield, to quench all [the] flaming arrows of the evil one.  And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.  With all prayer and supplication, pray at every opportunity in the Spirit.  To that end, be watchful with all perseverance and supplication for all the holy ones and also for me, that speech may be given me to open my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel….’

            “My little ones, your Loving Mother feels Sorrow, an infinite Sorrow for each one of you, for each one of the children that My Well Beloved Jesus gave to the Immaculate Heart of your Loving Mother.  So much pain, so much sorrow, so many tears have been shed from the eyes of each one of the little creatures who live in this convulsed universe that is full of apostasy, full of incredulity.

            “You don’t know what your Mother says when She points out the apostasy of today’s world.  Apostasy is preaching what your heart doesn’t believe. 

“Man has changed many things that have been written in the Sacred Scriptures.  Man has forgotten charity and has forgotten faith, which is so important and which is believing in what you don’t see.  Charity is so important to My Loving Jesus; it’s like the water that He Shed for each one of you on the Cross.  Charity is feeling, it’s dressing yourself with the Armor of the Holy Spirit so He can sweeten each one of your hearts so you can feel merciful towards all those who don’t walk with the Light.  You need to pray for all of them at every moment when there is time and even when there is no time, so He can touch the hearts of each one of those little creatures.

“Men have forgotten that Divine Creation was given by God to women to procreate and to say ‘Yes’ to the embrace of love that is given through their wombs.  Today, instead of sheltering their children as the hen shelters her chicks under her wings, men and women have forgotten the grace that God gave them to procreate through marriage.  They have forgotten marriage and they leave their children on their own or sometimes they kill them in the womb or after they are born.

“God gave the right to life to procreate within marriage, not outside of it.  Charity is conceived in each one of your hearts and in the heart of My little creature who brings the Divine Message.

“Charity is doing what your Mother did when She visited Saint Elizabeth.  Saint Elizabeth was the first to give testimony of that charity when your Mother went to visit her while she was waiting to bring John the Baptist into the world, the one who announced Him and who opened the road to Baptism through Jesus.

“Remember how John the Baptist made it possible to attract many men to the faith.  But today, men are scattered in different directions and they don’t look for the True Seed Who Died on the Cross and through Whom, through His Resurrection and through the Holy Spirit, they could be Baptized in the Church that He left. 

“Today, man doesn’t respect what is written in the Sacred Scriptures.  There are few confessions, which are important for each one of you so you can receive Communion and eat the True Bread, the manna that Jesus gave you through His Flesh.  Today, man remains hungry because man doesn’t receive Communion, and those who do receive Communion, do so incorrectly.

“Always remember to walk in the Light.  Go to Confession so you can come close to Him with a contrite heart and so you can truly be full of love. 

“Listen, My little ones, when you receive Communion incorrectly, you take Communion for your own perdition.  When you obey what has been written in the Sacred Scriptures, you have to give Honor to the Father, you have to bend your knees, you have to go to Confession to be worthy of forgiveness of your sins through the Holy Sacrament of the Altar. 

Cover yourselves with what He left for you through His Martyrdom on the Cross.  Honor the Cross; embrace the Cross of My Well Beloved.  All of you should bend your knees before the Only One you should call Celestial Father, Who is Jesus.  You have to bend your knees before Him every time you take His Body and His Blood from the hands of the only ones who have been consecrated so you can receive salvation or punishment, if you take it incorrectly.  I said punishment because punishment does exist for humanity. 

“To end, remember that God punished men in Eden because of disobedience.  They were expelled from Paradise.  God tried Abraham’s faith when he asked him to sacrifice his firstborn.  God punished Moses, who took his people out of Egypt, and He did not allow him to reach the Promised Land because he rebelled and did not do what God asked of him at Mount Horeb.  God punished Korah for being disobedient and continuing to honor idols, the true idols, not the ones that many call idols, which are the images of those who died for the Christian faith, the true Christian faith. 

“Always remember that God gives you life, death, abundance, poverty, sickness and health.  He gives you everything, but He can also take everything away.  Without obligating you, He left two roads for each one of you to follow – either you walk in the light or you walk in the darkness.  Choose – He gives you free will so that you can choose.

“Men today twist the truth, they hide it so men do not tremble before the Divine Justice.  There will be Justice, and men are coming closer in gigantic steps towards Divine Justice.

“Your Loving Mother visits you at many places in the world to bring you to prayer, to bring you to a sanctified married life in your homes, so there won’t be so many children who disappear, so many children who are assassinated and so many homes that are broken.  In a home where the tree falls, which is the father, the branches are dispersed and the creatures look elsewhere for the leaders they don’t have in their homes.

“Pray, My little ones, pray for the crisis, for the schism that is and will be in the Church, which is all of you.  When you receive Baptism in the Holy Sacrament, you receive the Divine Spirit of God in your hearts.  Embrace the Cross and pray the Rosary so the Lord may give you the peace that He gives you today through the servant of the Lord, Who is your Loving Mother.  She continues to be the smallest of all the creatures; the One He allows to touch all of your hearts, so She can open the ones that have been closed to prayer, to love, to the Church and to your priests.  When you don’t empty your hearts through Confession with the shepherd that the Father left for you to redeem your sins and you go to the altar to receive Communion incorrectly, you are condemning yourselves.  You should not go just to a Marian apparition, you should go en masse to your churches, to your priests who today are separated from the altar and whose places are occupied by others.

“Pray for the Holy Father, who is a saint who walks with you on earth, the same way that Mother Teresa of Calcutta did.  Always remember that at Marian apparitions, not only do you find salvation of the body, but you should also look for salvation of the soul, which is the one that is lost.  When a soul is converted, there is rejoicing in Heaven.

“I bless you in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen, amen, amen.”  

The Virgin says that She wants to share the mystery that is the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary with all Her children. 

This is the true Mystery of Light.  This is the Mystery of the Virgin of Guadalupe, the first “Annunciation”.  In this Mystery, you have to remember the times during which your Loving Mother walked with you in the world, when the angel appeared to Her to announce Her Pregnancy.  Imagine how it was for Her at that moment, when She was destined to marry Saint Joseph and She received the news from an angel that She was Pregnant and would give light to the Son of God; that Her Womb would serve as a Tabernacle to guard the Divine Spirit Who would Walk among you and Die for you on the Cross.